8 December 2022

Coolest Christmas Pet Toys 2022

If you're anything like me, I'm so last minute that most years my dog is lucky to get one of those standard pet stockings filled with unhealthy treats. So this year I have decided to get more organised and get my dog some quality toys. Ok, he won't be able to have some of the ideas below because he destroys anything that isn't a rope or hard plastic pretty much immediately. But it's nice to dream about the lovely things he could play with if he wasn't such a nightmare. There are some pretty cool toys around this year for pampered pets, so no tired old stocking this year!

Percy Pig Packet Dog Toy - M&S (£4.99)

The latest in M&S's neverending line of PP products, this is actually pretty cool. Pass on your Percy Pig obsession to your pet! The website helpfully says it's made of mixed material (whatever that means) and unfortunately I know that my dog would kill this on the first day. But it doesn't make me stop wanting it! You can also get the PP Rope Toy (more suitable for mine), a PP pet bed (cute), and my personal favourite - an M&S sandwich soft toy. M&S have really come up with the goods this year! 

Milk and Cookies for Santa - Wooff.co.uk (£14.75)

I love this idea - why should Santa be the only one to get milk and cookies? Your dog will enjoy burrowing into the "milk carton" to dig out the "cookies!" This game should hopefully keep your pet entertained for a while if they've got bored of pulling or biting stuff. 

I love parsnips so this seemed like a great idea! Ok, it's not a game or going to keep your dog interested for ages but it looks cute and has a squeaker in it so it will hopefully keep them occupied for a few minutes at least. (30cm long). 

Cauliflower Cheese Christmas Cat Toy - Rosewood (£5)

At first I was like, ok is cauliflower cheese christmassy? Then I thought, well cheese is and the cauliflower looks a bit like a sprout so who cares! Cupid and Comet contain catnip and are made from extra soft plush.  They are also crinkly and rattly to keep kitties occupied. I'm kind of obsesses. (And apologies to anyone for whom cauliflower cheese is a Christmas Dinner staple). 

Move over cauliflower, the real brussel sprout has come out to play! This bungee toy with feathers and a rattle sound will keep your cat occupied for hours. 

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